From the global perspective, every organization consists of certain individuals. Every individual has an important role in the organization, and their influence increases along with the advancement in organizational hierarchy. Therefore, it is important to continually develop all managerial levels.
Analysis and Assessment
This program is intended for middle management. Specifically, it provides participants with information about:
• Management effectiveness along task, people, and personal criteria
• Impact on others, in terms of the extent to which they motivate and drive the people to behave in Constructive versus Defensive ways
• Management approaches, in terms of the frequency with which they carry out their responsibilities in Facilitating versus Inhibiting ways
Assessing management impact and effectiveness is based on 360-degree feedback.
Last step in this program is analysis of the results with a consultant. The goal of this meeting is to:
• clarify report results to the manager in questions,
• gain acceptance of the results and
• encourage change.
In most cases, the outcome is individual development plan developed in agreement with the participant.
Main advantage of this assessment is identifying training and development needs. It represents a starting point for creating individual development plans. This assessment also decreases number of participants in the trainings by identifying areas for improvement and defining actual trainings that target underdeveloped skills. This improves motivation with participants because they attend only the trainings which are really needed for further advancement.
Depending on the results of this assessment, the participant goes through the process of coaching or is advised to attend workshops on various subjects.
The goal of coaching in business environment is improvement of organizational effectiveness through individual development of managers aligned with organization's goals and vision. Coaching helps managers achieve better results and more efficiently fulfill their potential. Coach, working "one-on-one", gives support and helps coachee change his/her approach. During coaching, the participant discovers underlying values, beliefs and assumptions that direct his/her management styles. Coaching is directed toward development of constructive management styles.
Below is an example of possible workshops' topics:
• Introduction to management
• Constructive Feedback
• Motivation
• Goal-setting
• Change management
• Conflict management
• Teamwork
• Communication Skills
• Performance Management etc.
Measuring management styles is repeated after a year. Although the participant becomes aware of his/her negative impact on other, it takes time to fully adopt constructive thinking patterns, behaviors, management, and to apply newly acquired knowledge.